Determining the moisture content of a product is an essential step in many manufacturing processes. But for what purpose?

An element to be taken into consideration

Determining the moisture content of a product is an essential step in many manufacturing processes. But for what purpose?

The moisture content of a product can affect its quality, functionality, reactivity to treatments, shelf life, etc. Therefore, it is imperative for professionals to know precisely the moisture content of their products. The fields of activity concerned by these issues are many and include: agri-food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

In addition, certain products are subject to very strict regulations regarding humidity and must not exceed a certain level. The food industry is very often subject to this type of legislation for safety reasons for the end consumer.

It is extremely important to pay special attention to the control of this moisture content at each stage of production. If these controls are not carried out, the overall quality of the finished product may be affected. These analyses will concern the raw materials, the goods stored or being manufactured, the packaging, etc. It is imperative to follow all these steps.

Wich analysis method?

Measuring the amount of water in a sample is commonly done using a technique called thermogravimetry, which involves drying the sample to record its weight loss. To do this, the sample is heated and the amount of weight lost due to water evaporation is measured.

Our solution

Elcowa offers you the possibility to precisely control the moisture content of your products (meat, dairy products, flour etc.). With our moisture analyzers you can quickly and easily analyze the moisture content, the dry mass content and other parameters of all your samples.

  • Easy-to-read display of information
  • Automatic opening and closing of the drying chamber
  • Accurate mass measurement and drying temperature optimization
  • Database, support of the drying process

Keep control over the quality of your products with Elcowa.